Rotary Eye Clinic

Rotary is involved in many humanitarian projects world-wide.
Our motto is "Service Above Self

Our First Patient

Our First Patient
Dr. Carl Whitehouse and Salome Huinac

"We would like to thank all of our friends, families and other members of our community for their generous support in donating glasses, knitted booties, medical equipment and other supplies towards our mission. Your kindness is most appreciated"

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Saturday - visit to the coffee plantation

HHere we are at the coffee plantation which is much more than that and has a very interesting story.
Not too many years ago this plantation went bankrupt and was eventually bought by a group of employees with some help from some organizations.
The employees diversified and have been quite successful. They now grow macodenia nuts which the harvest year around and whose slower season is October to January when the coffee is being harvested. They have also taken advantages of the four springs on their land and bottle and sell about 300 large bottles of spring water each day. Their forth business area is bamboo  - they make furniture and crafts to sell to the tourists.

All along our travels we see pickup trucks with people and other things packed in the back.

We went to Clara's house right after the visit to the plantation as she lives on that side of Xela and it didn't make sense to go all the way back through Xela and then have to return to her place where we were invited for dinner.

We were welcomed into her 'Friendship house and were honored to meet her family and the families of our translators. There were speeches and presentations of gifts to each of us. She has a very loving and compassionate family and we were touched by their hospitality and overwhelmed by their kind words for the work that we were doing on this mission as well as the other many projects that they wanted to thank us for.

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