Rotary Eye Clinic

Rotary is involved in many humanitarian projects world-wide.
Our motto is "Service Above Self

Our First Patient

Our First Patient
Dr. Carl Whitehouse and Salome Huinac

"We would like to thank all of our friends, families and other members of our community for their generous support in donating glasses, knitted booties, medical equipment and other supplies towards our mission. Your kindness is most appreciated"

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Final numbers 470 / 240

Today was the final day at the clinic - our final numbers draft numbers are 470 patients seen and 240 pairs of glasses dispensed - we felt good about what we have accomplished.
In this picture you will see some varied dress that spans traditional to modern, we saw just about every kind of dress over the 6 days of clinics.

Here Barbara Whitehouse is doing the basic acuity test on this young man who turned out to be mostly blind in one eye. Some cases we could refer them for surgery and others like this one we couldn't.

This is one of the final views of the hills around the school. The horse in the horizon has been grazing this hill all week.

Janet Batchelor is testing this man's new glasses. It was always fun watching the look on their faces as they see things come into focus that haven't been that way for sometime.

We saw about 80 plus people at the clinic today. There was a higher percentage of glasses and referrals today for some reason.

Here are two women that span several generations who have received
examinations and medication that should make a difference to them.

When the day was over there were some speeches and thank yous from the local village from the villages that traveled to the clinic.
In this picture a representative from Chuicutama presented a very special ceremonial shirt to Barbara Whitehouse and then a scarf to Carl.

What a handsome couple they are decked out in their new finery.

After we had packed up and left the village Clara had arranged to take us to a school in Cantel to here are special school band play for us. This band has been together for about a year and a half now. Their instrument were a gift made by Chris and Bill Hale in honor of son's and daughter-in-law's wedding in July 2008. Michael and Melissa are very supportive of the work done in Guatemala and have been part of several projects and have also travelled to Xela where Melissa worked with Clara as an intern. It was very touching to hear the young people play - when we get home to a faster internet connection I'll try and put up a video so you can see and hear some of their concert.

This school has some strong links to Canada as the money to build it was raised by Canadians. In this picture you see the school leaders, Oscar the teacher, Clara Colop who is our coordinator and who makes all of this possible and works so very very hard, and Chris and I. Their school flag is made from the colours and shape of the Canadian flag in recognition of the bonds that they have with Canada.

And lastly before I sign off for tonight and possibly until we get home here is a picture of one of the people we were able to help. This sweet girl's smile says it all and this is why we want to again thank all those who helped us to make this trip possible with the donations of supplies and equipment. Thanks as well go to my fellow team members for their time efforts, good humor and sacrifices and to their families for letting them spend the time here. Special thanks to Dr. Carl Whitehouse, Barbara Gutherie and Janet Batchelor all who we could not have done this without and to David and Pat Batchelor who did an amazing job on the logistics letting alone being our Perth headquarters for putting together the glasses and other supplies.

Tomorrow we will disperse the remaining medications to a local clinic and then travel back to Antiqua to catch our flight home on Friday.

One last van ride, one last dilemma for the group to consider - "What's better - diesel fumes or dust?"

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