Rotary Eye Clinic

Rotary is involved in many humanitarian projects world-wide.
Our motto is "Service Above Self

Our First Patient

Our First Patient
Dr. Carl Whitehouse and Salome Huinac

"We would like to thank all of our friends, families and other members of our community for their generous support in donating glasses, knitted booties, medical equipment and other supplies towards our mission. Your kindness is most appreciated"

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday's adventure

Some of us woke up to the shaking of the building today - it  was a 5.6 earthquake. We thought this was quite something and then a quick google check told us that there were 3 quakes in Guatemala in the last 24 hours. There was no mention of this at breakfast so we're now concluding that this is not that abnormal.
We're off the the market in Chi Chi today and I hope to be able to update the blogs later tonight.
This is what some of the houses along the highway look like.


 The flowers and fruit at the local road side stands are magnificent.

 The road to Chi Chi is very, very windy and steep at places. The switchbacks are amazing with the van having to make some very sharp turns - you can't find roads like this in Canada as they would be lethal in icy conditions. We did see a few spot where vehicle had failed to navigate the corners evidenced by missing and mangled guard rails.

Once in the market at Chi Chi we saw people bartering with live foul. Here the negotiation is going on to trade a chicken for some corn. The shop keeper is weighing and checking this chicken out. After she tool some corn from one of the sacks and fed it to the chicken. The lady at the right who was hoping to barter the chicken then wrapped it up in her wrap and continued on her way.

The market is a very busy and crowded place with both store or booths on the side and vendors walking in the street who if they can catch your eye and think that have even a slight possibility of a sale will follow you for blocks trying to get you to barter for their goods.

The weather today was magnificent and the country side is incredible.

When we got back to Al Rufugio we had some vino tinto and cerveza before dinner.

Tomorrow we're off to our next village.

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