Rotary Eye Clinic

Rotary is involved in many humanitarian projects world-wide.
Our motto is "Service Above Self

Our First Patient

Our First Patient
Dr. Carl Whitehouse and Salome Huinac

"We would like to thank all of our friends, families and other members of our community for their generous support in donating glasses, knitted booties, medical equipment and other supplies towards our mission. Your kindness is most appreciated"

Monday, April 19, 2010

Today started out as normal with breakfast at 6:45 a.m. and then we gathered to meet the vans at 7:30.
The workers had already been in the field beside the hotel for some time planting their potatoes.

On our trip up the mountains we stopped very briefly to take some pictures of the volcano that was in the distance.

There was a minor washout on the road near the school in Chuicutama. This is the next village that we are working in so we walked the last little way. Later the road was temporarily repaired so the vans could get right to the school which was nice as that meant we didn't have to lug all our heavy cases too far. We got set up and were running within about 15 minutes of arriving.

We strive to get the eye drops in a few patients as soon as possible as we can't finish our testing until they have be dilated for at least 30 minutes.

This beautiful school was built after hurricane Stan by CARE. The views from the front of the school are of the fields rising up into the hills.  Today, just about every where you looked, you could see either and animal grazing or someone working a field way up on the steep slopes.

This person was coming back from gather fuel - mostly sticks that they will use for their cooking fire. They have a long way to carry the heavy load that is on their back.

Here's Cr. Carl and Cano doing their warm-up exercises. Actually Carl is showing Cano what he could do to try and stretch out some of his sore mussels from a soccer game that he had yesterday.

Today we saw 94 patients which is a record for us. We're really "in the grove" as far as efficiently processing people and giving them that extra little bit of attention and care that we feel they cherish.
Our work is bitter sweet. We're so happy when we see someone that we can help. On the other hand it is heartbreaking when we come across someone who we can not help. The 13 year old young women with the sun glasses on was one of the heart breakers. She was diagnosed with practically no vision, her retinas were destroyed likely by parasites and there was nothing we could do to help her, she is essentially blind. Dr. Carl will try and refer her to an agency for the blind if one can be found. For the many others who we are able to help with glasses, medicines and other treatments the smiles on their faces is reward enough for us. We received some very good news that some Doctors will be coming for a surgical clinic in May and they should be able to see our cataract referrals which is amazing that they will be getting this treatment so soon. 

Tomorrow and Wednesday will be busy days at the clinic as we try and see as many patients as we can in the final 2 days.

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